Paticcasamuppāda: The Argument for the Implied Interpretation of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu


  • Phramaha Theerayuth Khemadhammo (Pratniwat) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Somparn Promta Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Paticcasamupp ā da, 12 elements, Buddhaghosa, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu


Paticcasamuppāda is a key concept in Buddhist Philosophy, a product of the Buddha’s enlightenment, and a deep and wide-ranging Sutra. Paticcasamuppāda has 12 elements, including Avijjā and Sangkhāra. This article deals with the interpretative process of only the Paticcasamuppāda's structure. It seeks to present, firstly, an interpretation of the elaborated Pali terms for a more in-depth understanding; secondly, a reinterpretation of the Pali terms already expounded by Atthakathācariya and Tīkācariya. It also elaborates on the parts taken up by Buddhadasa Bikkhu. Finally, it presents an interpretation of the elements of Paticcasamuppāda concerning cause and effect, time, and other related elements. It finds no gap between the worlds of the five aggregates, no souls in suspension. Whenever a past set of aggregates ends, a present one appears in its new existence. This causal process is called Anantarapaccaya. Buddhadasa engaged in an imaginary intellectual exchange with Buddhaghosa on the cycle of rebirth. This article attempts to defend Buddhaghosa, to clarify some main Buddhist principles for new students, and to rectify misunderstandings according to the Buddha’s teachings.


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How to Cite

ปราชญ์นิวัฒน์ T., & Promta, S. (2020). Paticcasamuppāda: The Argument for the Implied Interpretation of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 27(3), 191–236. Retrieved from



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