An Analysis of Bhikkhuni’s vinaya as codes of conduct for women on their pursuit of enlightenment


  • Suphatra Wongsakul Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


the female body, the five kinds of suffering peculiar to women, Bhikkhuni Vinaya, enlightenment


This article analyzes Bhikkhuni Pàtimokkha ((or Bhikkhuni’s vinaya) codes of monastic disciplinary rules) and passages in the Bhikkhuni Vibhanga in relation to the concept in Avenika Sutta of the five kinds of suffering specific to women which result from differences between the female and male body in biological and socio-cultural terms. In light of this concept, this article attempt to argue that Buddhism postulates a set of practices leading to the Enlightenment which takes into account of the disparity between the male and female body. It thus examines Bhikkhuni’s vinaya as codes of conduct for women on their pursuit of enlightenment which aim at coping with the women’s suffering generated by their biological body and overcoming the obstacles caused by the socio-cultural aspects of their body.


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Author Biography

Suphatra Wongsakul, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

Ph.D. Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.


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How to Cite

Wongsakul, S. (2020). An Analysis of Bhikkhuni’s vinaya as codes of conduct for women on their pursuit of enlightenment. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 27(2), 52–103. Retrieved from



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