Deconstructing History of The Schisms of Early Buddhism and An Alternative Way to Understand Theravada and Mahasamghika School


  • Channarong Boonnoon Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


Schisms, Theravada Buddhism, Mahasamghika, Cultural Pluralism


The objectives of this research are threefold: (1) to re-visit the schisms in Indian Buddhism during the 1st and 3rd Buddhist Centuries (543-200 B.C.) and the traditional accusations against the Mahasamghika and other schools as appeared in the Pali texts (the Tipitaka, Atthakathas, and Dipavamsa) of Theravada Buddhism; (2) to deconstruct the accusation that the Mahasamghika School was the origin of debilitated discipline and chasms among the Sangha after the passing away of the Buddha; and (3) to present a possible alternative to the way Theravada Buddhist identity has been constructed in Thai society. This possible alternative is inspired by a conversation with the multiculturalist position of Charles Taylor.

Evidence from the 1st and 3rd centuries on this issue indicate that the traditional accusation may not be true without contestations. Traditional accusations indicate that the Mahasamghika was the cause of chasms, violated the Dhamma-Vinaya as compiled in the First Councils, was an enemy of Buddhism, and brought the decline and corruption to Buddhism. If the evidence and analysis from this study is well worth consideration, the longstanding beliefs that Theravada Buddhists are the only ones to maintain the pure Dhamma-Vinaya as compiled in the First Councils could be subjected to a re-evaluation.


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Author Biography

Channarong Boonnoon, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


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How to Cite

Boonnoon, C. (2020). Deconstructing History of The Schisms of Early Buddhism and An Alternative Way to Understand Theravada and Mahasamghika School. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 27(2), 1–51. Retrieved from



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