The Education according to Tzu Chi Buddhist Organization

Concepts and Managements of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School


  • Pitchayarat Hemnalai Department of Religion and Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University


The Buddhist Tzu Chi Organization, Concepts and Educational Managements, Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School


This research article is of 3 objectives, namely:- 1) to study the history and concepts of the Buddhist Tzu Chi organization, 2) to study the concepts and educational management of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School, and 3) to analyze the concepts and educational management of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. From the study, it was found that Tzu Chi Buddhist Organization was founded by Master Cheng Yen in 1966 in Taiwan. The Most important concept that drives missions of the organization is the Bodhisattva ideal. In part of the concepts and educational managements of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School, its educational philosophy are brahmavihārās or Appamaññā (Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upekkha). From the analysis of concepts and educational managements of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School in four aspects, it was found that all four aspects are linked to the concept of Bodhisattva. That is to say: 1) the students are like "Little Bodhisattva", 2) the teachers are like "Bodhisattva" 3) the content may be comparable to "Upaya” (Skillful Means), a tool for teaching the Dharma of Bodhisattva and a method used by "Little Bodhisattva" for seeing truth, goodness, and beauty, and 4) the teaching and learning processes are like “Bodhisattva-marga” (the path of Bodhisattva).


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How to Cite

Hemnalai, P. (2020). The Education according to Tzu Chi Buddhist Organization: Concepts and Managements of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 27(1), 50–102. Retrieved from



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