Buddha’s View of Doctrinal Learning from the Simile of Grasping a Venomous Snake in Alagaddūpamasutta


  • สมพรนุช ตันศรีสุข South Asian Language Section, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Alagaddūpamasutta, Doctrinal Learning, metaphor, Snake


This article seeks to analyze the Buddha’s intention in comparing doctrinal learning with grasping a venomous snake in Alagaddūpamasutta (the Sutta) of Majjhimanikāya, using cognitive linguistics theory. It explores metaphors of snakes and the Buddha’s teachings about doctrinal learning in the Pāli canon. The study finds that the snake metaphor is used to convey two different meanings, i.e. danger which should be avoided, and leaving behind one’s physique or reincarnation. The metaphor in Alagaddūpamasutta reflects the danger mentioned in the first sense. Nevertheless, doctrinal learning is an important activity that the Buddha supported. The use of the metaphor thus represents the Buddha’s reminder to be mindful of the danger involved in doctrinal learning which is the first step of the Buddhist path for monks. The Buddha most likely saw a risk of defilements in the propagation of the Buddhist doctrine. Monks are ordinary humans who are subject to serious errors if they succumb to the success and praise as a result of learning the doctrine. They therefore need to be mindful and careful in learning the doctrine, and to focus directly on the ultimate Buddhist goal, the nirvana.


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How to Cite

ตันศรีสุข ส. (2020). Buddha’s View of Doctrinal Learning from the Simile of Grasping a Venomous Snake in Alagaddūpamasutta. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 26(3), 76–105. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbscu/article/view/204690



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