Are monks permitted to choose their own food in a buffet-style arrangement ?

A case study of the 7th Phra Dhammayatra Scheme retracing the significant route of the lifetime of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro)


  • พงษ์ศิริ ยอดสา Independent Scholar


Food, Buffet, Dāna


The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative study between the tradition of offering provisions to monks in the Buddhist era as recorded in Theravāda Buddhist Scriptures and the recently criticized buffet meal offerings to monks in the 7th Phra Dhammayatra Scheme. The controversial issues collected from different means such as news and social media can be classified into three main questions including: (1) whether or not monks will be considered to have committed an ecclesiastical offense (āpatti) if they consume food that has not been offered by laypeople; (2) whether or not monks are permitted to consume luxurious or expensive foods; and (3) whether or not monks are permitted to choose their own food in a buffet-style arrangement.

The research has revealed the following results: (1) monks would be committing an ecclesiastical offense (āpatti) if they were to consume food not offered by laypeople, according to the Mahāvibhaṅga Bhojaṇavagga; (2) monks are permitted to consume some luxurious or fine foods in accordance with clues found in the Theravāda scriptures, according to which a) the Lord Buddha and his monks sometimes received exquisite foods, and b) some upasaka and upasika were named as being foremost for offering monks exquisite foods; (3) monks are permitted to choose food in ways similar to a buffet as shown in a significant scriptural phrase “may consume as desired.” Additionally, monks’ ability to consume food as desired may allow them to choose food suitable to their personal needs (sappāya), thereby avoiding food-related ailments, which may have beneficial influence on their meditative attainment.


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How to Cite

ยอดสา พ. (2020). Are monks permitted to choose their own food in a buffet-style arrangement ? A case study of the 7th Phra Dhammayatra Scheme retracing the significant route of the lifetime of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro). Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 26(3), 128–160. Retrieved from



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