Non-acceptance of Sūtra as the word of Buddha(Buddhavacana) by Vātśīputrīya: A case study in Abhidharmakośabhāṣya and Kathāvatthu


  • เมธี พิทักษ์ธีระธรรม DCI Center for Buddhist Studies
  • ปิยาภรณ์ ว่องวรางกูร DCI Center for Buddhist Studies
  • พรพิมล ศรีหมอก DCI Center for Buddhist Studies


Kathāvatthu, Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, Vātśīputrīya, Vajjiputtaka, Vasubandhu, Buddhavacana


This article exemplifi es a Sūtra that is claimed to not be ‘the word of the Buddha’ (Buddha- vacana) by Vātśīputrīya, a sect of Buddhism. This Sūtra is composed of verses presenting an argument between Śaila bhikṣuṇi and Māra. The VVātśīputrīya’s monks had denied any knowledge of this Sūtra for the reason that it is not the Buddhavacana. Hence, they did not recite it in their community. Consequently, this Sūtra had already disappeared from the canon of the Vātśīputrīya sect. However, Vasubandhu, an interlocutor with this sect and the author of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, argued that this same Sūtra is the Buddhavacana because it appears in the canon of two sects, the Saṃyuktāgāma of [Mūla] Sarvāstivādin and the Saṃyuttanikāya of the southern Theravāda.

Additionally, evidence from Moggallīputta’s Kathāvatthu that is compiled during the Era of King Asoka indicates that the Vātśīputrīya’s monks (Pāli: Vajjiputtaka) accepted that Sūtra as the Buddhavacana. It is generally known that Kathāvatthu (of Theravāda’s canon) had been compiled much earlier than Abhidharmakośabhāṣya. Considering the time when the disputed Sūtra disappeared from Vātśīputrīya’s canon, one may conclude that it was lost sometime between the period of Moggallīputta and the composition of Abhidharmakośabhāṣya.


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How to Cite

พิทักษ์ธีระธรรม เ., ว่องวรางกูร ป., & ศรีหมอก พ. (2019). Non-acceptance of Sūtra as the word of Buddha(Buddhavacana) by Vātśīputrīya: A case study in Abhidharmakośabhāṣya and Kathāvatthu. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 26(2), 121–163. Retrieved from



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