The Effectiveness of Health Promotion Model along with Buddhist Lifestyles for Monks


  • ณัฐวดี จิตรมานะศักดิ์ คณะพลศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


Effectiveness, Health promotion model, Buddhist Lifestyles, Monks


The objective of this research was to study the effectiveness of health promotion model along with Buddhist lifestyles for monks by comparing the health promotion behavior of Buddhist monks before and after participating in the development process and determining the Buddhist monks’ satisfaction level toward health promotion models along with Buddhist lifestyle. The samples were 31 Buddhist monks who were willing to enroll in this program from 3 Royal Temples in northern part of Bangkok Metropolitan. Purposive sampling technique was employed. The study instrument included the questionnaires and in-depth interview. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired sample t-test were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that after participating in health promotion model, the health promotion behavior of Buddhist monks including eating behavior, physical activity and stress management were signifi cantly higher at 0.05 level. The mean scores of eating behavior, physical activity, and stress management of Buddhist monks increased. The fi nding also indicated that the Buddhist monks’ satisfactions concerning the health promotion models were high. The results demonstrated that an effectiveness of health promotion model was also high. Therefore, this health promotion model along with Buddhist Lifestyles should be applied to promote good health behavior among Buddhist monks.


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How to Cite

จิตรมานะศักดิ์ ณ. (2015). The Effectiveness of Health Promotion Model along with Buddhist Lifestyles for Monks. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 22(3), 77–100. Retrieved from



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