The Integration of the Buddhist principles for volunteer spirit


  • สรณีย์ สายศร มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Integration, the Buddhist principles, volunteer spirit


This research aimed to analyze three concepts and principles regarding volunteer spirit, Buddhist concepts and principles of volunteer spirit, and lessons learned from exemplary volunteers and related organizations. Then, these three concepts and principles were synthesized into the integrated principles of Buddhist-related volunteer spirit and applied these principles to the current volunteer work. The research concluded that the integrated principles of Buddhist-related volunteer spirit emphasize the quality of inner-mind through the application of the Buddha’s virtues (Buddhaguṇas), the Buddha’s conducts (Buddhacariya) and the Buddha’ s Dhamma in conjunction with actual preparation necessary for volunteer work. In practice, “methods” are needed as a guideline to help others in integrated manners through four volunteer spirit dimensions: (1) the physical, (2) the mental, (3) the intellectual, and (4) the social ones which are based on the donations of both goods and Dhamma in order to solve sufferings. By this way, mundane and super mundane happiness for volunteers, sufferers, and societies can be observed as “expected results.”


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How to Cite

สายศร ส. (2015). The Integration of the Buddhist principles for volunteer spirit. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 22(2), 17–47. Retrieved from



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