Behavior of Almsgiving and Food Offering for Monks’ Health


  • ลลิลทิพย์ ธนสมบัตินันท์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


Behaviors, Almsgiving, Food offering, Monks’ health


This article analyzes the beliefs and practices of Buddhists regarding almsgiving and food offering to monks, and monks’ dietary behaviors. It studies appropriate ways of giving alms and offering food, and proper diets for the promotion of monks’ health. The research fi nds that monks’ healthiness could be promoted through the collaboration between monks, Buddhists, and others who support Buddhist activities. This can be explained by the concept of “Merit” that creates positive interactions between monks and Buddhists. The practices of almsgiving and food offering aim to support monks in maintaining their monkhood and performing their duties in propagating Buddhism. Thus, the issue of promoting monks’ health as a result of almsgiving and food offering will be examined through “Practical Buddhism,” and the dietary behaviors of monks through the concepts of health and nutrition.


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How to Cite

ธนสมบัตินันท์ ล. (2016). Behavior of Almsgiving and Food Offering for Monks’ Health. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 23(3), 51–67. retrieved from



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