Participatory Model Development in Administration Based on 21st Century Dynamics in Secondary Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area office Nonthaburi

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Rangsiman Yala
Songyos Kawmongkon
Patchara Dechhome


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the conditions of participatory model development in administration based on 21st century dynamics in secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi 2) Study the components of participatory model development in administration based on 21st century dynamics in secondary schools. The research was carried out in three steps: Step 1: study the conditions of participatory model development in administration based on 21st century dynamics in secondary schools, analyze relevant principles, concepts, and theories, and interview government teachers (30 people), inspected by experts in measurement and evaluation, and educational administration (5 people). Step 2: Develop a participatory academic administration model under the dynamics of 21st-century schools. The sample groups contained 327 government teachers. Step 3: Experiment and evaluate participatory model development in administration based on 21st century dynamics in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi with 3 schools as follows: 1) Sai Noi School 2) Triam Udom Suksa Phatthanakan Nonthaburi School; and 3) Pak Kret School. All three schools were obtained through purposive sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation; for qualitative data, content analysis was used. Statistics were used to analyze the data of the assessment using statistical packages, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis with the LISREL program. The results of the research found that in the condition of participatory model development in administration based on 21st-century dynamics in secondary schools, there are 5 main components, consisting of 1) academic participation, 2) budget management, 3) teaching and learning processes, 4) organizational dynamics, and 5) administrative dynamics of academic leaders. The results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness were statistically significant at the.05 level.

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How to Cite
Yala, R., Kawmongkon, S., & Dechhome, P. (2024). Participatory Model Development in Administration Based on 21st Century Dynamics in Secondary Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area office Nonthaburi. Arts of Management Journal, 8(1), 518–543. retrieved from
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