Strategies Administration Model of School to Learning Organizations in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi

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Nawee Subhuang
Songyod Kaewmongkol
Somnuk Kareevate


This article aimed to study (1) the strategic and administrative situation of schools developing to be learning organizations in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi; (2) create strategies for the administration model of school-to-learning organizations in the 21st century; and (3) experiment with and evaluate the strategies of the administration model of school-to-learning organizations in the 21st century. The sample consisted of 17 school directors, deputy directors, and heads of learning groups, totaling 157 people, including 9 interviewed experts. The instrument for collecting data was a set of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. They were selected by stratified sampling with descriptive statistics and content analysis, including mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1. The school administrators' guidelines and conditions for creating a learning organization in the 21st century were highly practiced.

2. The school-to-learning organization model of the 21st century consisted of two main factors: 1) School administration towards a learning organization in the 21st century, which had seven aspects, and 2) the process of school administration strategy, which had five aspects.

3. The evaluation results of the school-to-organization strategies and administration model under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi showed that its feasibility and usefulness were of the highest quality.

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How to Cite
Subhuang, N., Kaewmongkol, S., & Kareevate, S. (2023). Strategies Administration Model of School to Learning Organizations in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi. Journal of Arts Management, 7(4), 1760–1775. retrieved from
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