The Development of Employee Retention Model in Private Vocational College of Southern Thai

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Thaksana Tippamas
Nopparat Chaireung
Theerapong Somkaoya


This Article aimed to study (1) Study condition and approach of employee retention (2) construction employee retention model 3) evaluating the feasibility of employee retention model by 169 principals and personnel. The sample was Administrators, teachers and personnel. They was selected by multi stage sampling. Data were analyzed using means, standard deviation and priority needs index. The research results were found as follows;

1) The development of Employee retention model is OTI Model which consists of three components; 1) context and environment, policy and structure, objective and principles of model.

2) The components of employee retention (2.1) individual level; welfare, compensation, to be respected and career advancement (2.2) group level; group dynamics, participation in work, supervision by the Board of Directors, atmosphere in the college (2.3) organization level; policy and management, duties of work performed, environment in the college, the leadership of Administrator.

3) The overall result of the feasibility of the constructed model was at high level.

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How to Cite
Tippamas, T., Chaireung, N., & Somkaoya, T. (2021). The Development of Employee Retention Model in Private Vocational College of Southern Thai. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 972–985. retrieved from
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