Instructional Guideline to Enhance Citizens for Students Bachelor of College of Fine Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute

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Taweewat Jittiwetkul


The purposes of this study were (1) to study the citizenship composition of students; (2) to study teaching conditions at the College of Fine Arts context that strengthen students' citizenship; and (3) to propose teaching guidelines for students College of Fine Arts Bunditpatanasilpa Institute for citizenship. This study was a qualitative research. Collect information from documents primary data section conduct interviews with key informants from a specific selection. The instrument for collecting data was interview and group discussion. Organize information with theoretical references. Analyze content and summarize descriptive research results. Presenting teaching qualified to certify research results. The research results were found as follows:

1 Student citizenship component was respect: has the following meanings - understand the principles of democracy - accept different opinions - Self and social responsibility - Volunteer - Respect individual rights and - Respect the law.

2 Educational management in the context of the College of Fine Arts consists of learning from the problem, project-based teaching, creative exchange of knowledge, and the freedom of learning according to the habits.

3 The appropriate teaching and learning Guidelines were: CHANGSIL teaching method.

Research findings were teaching management CH-A-N-G-SIL GUIDELINES. That comes with Ch: Character education, A: Activate, N: Nature teaches the nature of the learners, G: Gimmick has a point to remember, and SIL: Silapa is diversified according to the students' style.

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How to Cite
Jittiwetkul, T. (2021). Instructional Guideline to Enhance Citizens for Students Bachelor of College of Fine Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute . Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 471–485. retrieved from
Research Articles


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