Causal Factors Influencing Customer's Brand Value Affecting Performance Gold Jewelry Business Group In Bangkok and its Vicinity

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Huang Jingxian
Buraporn Kumboon
Siriporn Sajjanand
Chonkanok Kositkanin


A study of the causal factors influencing customer brand value on results of operations. Gold jewelry business in Bangkok and its vicinity Objective 1) To study the causal factors influencing the customer's brand value on the results of operations. Gold jewelry business group In Bangkok and its vicinity (2) To study the brand value of customers that affect the market performance of the gold jewelry business group. In Bangkok and its vicinity, this research is a mixed research (Mixed Methods). It is a quantitative research. And qualitative the researcher determined the population for this study was the consumers who traded gold in gold shops. In Bangkok and metropolitan area, number 37 places, sample group 400 people the researcher used the Accidental Sampling method. The researcher analyzed the data using questionnaires and interviewed data. By means of Purposive Interview from 14 interviewees, the researcher analyzed the data by constructing a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), a statistical technique used in the causal relationship testing. (Causal Relationships) and confirm the results from empirical data.

The results showed that the model was harmonized with the empirical data, with the six indexes that met the acceptance criteria: index gif.latex?\chi2/df = 1, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.96, AGFI = 0.951., RMSEA = 0.030 and SRMR = 0.019. So it can be concluded that The structural equation modeling model is suitable. Harmonize with empirical data and from the results of the path analysis, it was found that Customer relationship management Customer brand value Service marketing mix the perception of service quality has a positive direct influence on marketing performance. It was statistically significant at level 0.01 and from interviews, it was concluded that the model could be used for further use in gold jewelry business administration.

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How to Cite
Jingxian, . H., Kumboon, B. ., Sajjanand, S. ., & Kositkanin, C. . (2021). Causal Factors Influencing Customer’s Brand Value Affecting Performance Gold Jewelry Business Group In Bangkok and its Vicinity. Arts of Management Journal, 5(2), 414–427. retrieved from
Research Articles


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