An analysis of beliefs and rituals on the serpent in Theravada Buddhism Related to Phra That Phanom

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Phraphalad Pojthapon Thanasompunno (Yubonlerd)
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the Phaya-Naga (serpent-like creatures) in Theravada Buddhist scriptures; 2) to study the history of Phaya-Naga called ‘Pandhanakān’ and its relationship with Phra That Phanom Stupa; 3) to analyze the beliefs and rituals of Phaya-Naga in relations to Phra That Phanom Stupa. This study was carried out by means of the qualitative research methodology, And analyze the data by The descriptive method. The research results were as follows:

Phaya-Naga in Theravada Buddhist scriptures: in the Tipitaka mentions the two types of Phaya-Naga, on land and in the water. The nature of Phaya-Naga is the same type of serpent or ‘Uragā’ or animal that crawls with their breasts. It is more special than all snakes as it is a powerful animal different. Some types of Phaya-Naga can be transformed in the form of humans and other animals.

The history of Phaya-Naga called ‘Pandhanakān’ and its relationship with Phra That Phanom Stupa: the seven Phaya-Nagas were commanded by Phra Intharathirat-Chao to protect the Urangkhathat (Chest Relics of the Buddha) because the gods who kept the Phra That Phanom Stupa before, had bad habits like taking bribes and sacrifices of the villagers. The seven Phaya-Nagas did not want any bribes or reward of any sacrifice but only a cup of water and then they will stay and protect Phra That Phanom Stupa until the end of religion of the Buddha.

The beliefs and rituals of Phaya-Naga in relations to Phra That Phanom Stupa: Phra That Phanom is the spiritual center of Buddhists and it is a spiritual refuge. They believe that Phaya-Naga has been guarding Phra That Phanom Stupa from the past to the present and also give blessing to the worshipers which raises faith in Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Thanasompunno (Yubonlerd), P. P. ., Thitapanyo, P. M. ., & PhraSophonphatthanabandit. (2021). An analysis of beliefs and rituals on the serpent in Theravada Buddhism Related to Phra That Phanom. Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 340–352. retrieved from
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