The Model of Ascatic Practice of Monks in The Mekong River (Thai-Laos)

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Phramaha Noppadol Navatalayanyo
Phrakru Sudhikhambhirayana Wi
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


This Article aimed to study 1) To study the buddhist scriptures. 2) To study the practice of monks in the Mekong River (Thai-Laos) 3) To analyze the practice of monks in the Mekong (Thai-Laos) the sample was Qualitative Research The instrument for collecting data was In-depth Interview Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

1. Dhutaṅga in the Buddhist scriptures is the tool to eliminate the defilement. It is not the regulations but is the practice that practitioners are willing to perform based on their faith. There are 13 items of practice to attain the paths, fruitions and Nirvana, the ultimate goal of Buddhism.

2. The model of Dhutaṅga of monks of Mekong River (Thai-Laos) consisted 2 types: 1) Thai monks vowed to perform Cārika-Dhutaṅga (Travelling Austere Practices) by setting the distance and walking length from one place - to another; 2) Laos monks vowed to stay at the monastery during the Buddhist Lent with or during the set duration.

3. The model of Dhutaṅga of monks of Mekong River (Thai-Laos), take Dhutaṅga with 8 practices: 1) triple-robe-wearer’s practice; 2) alms-food-eater’s practice; 3) alms-food-wanderer’s practice; 4) one-sessioner’s practice; 5) bowl-food-eater’s practice; 6) non-food receiver after beginning having food; 7) any-place-user’s practice; 8) sitting practice with 3 actions standing, walking, sitting without laying down. 

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How to Cite
Navatalayanyo, P. N. ., Wi, P. S. ., & Thitapanyo, P. M. . (2021). The Model of Ascatic Practice of Monks in The Mekong River (Thai-Laos). Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 325–339. retrieved from
Research Articles


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