The Guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles in Promoting Well-Being and Learning Among the Elderly at Wai Kaew School, Mahasarakham Province

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Phrakhru Udomprachanukul
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo
Phra Sophonphatthanabandit (Sukanya Aruno)


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study Buddhist principles for promoting well-being and learning of the elderly; 2) to study well-being and learning problems of the elderly at Wai Kaew School, Mahasarakham Province; and 3) to propose guidelines for applying Buddhist principles in promoting well-being and learning of the elderly at Wai Kaew School. This study was carried out by means of the qualitative research. The research results were as follows:

1. There are 4 principles of Buddhism in promoting well-being and learning of the elderly: 1) Kāya-bhāvanā (Physical Development) is to maintain a healthy body and understand the body; 2) Sīla-bhāvanā (Moral Development) is behavior that leads to physical and verbal development; 3) Citta-bhāvanā (Mental Development) is to know the mind that leads to the training of the mind to be peaceful and happy; and 4) Paññā-bhāvanā (Wisdom Development) is to know as the reality resulted from the mental training.

2. Well-being and learning problems of the elderly at Wai Kaew School can be found in 4 areas: 1) Physical aspect such as uneven physical health care, thus causing various pains; 2) psychological aspects, such as family and physical concerns, 3) social aspects, such as socialization difficulty caused by lacking the body and not keeping up with society; and 4) intellectual aspects such as slow memory and forgetfulness.

3. The guidelines for applying the Buddhist Dhamma or the Four Bhāvanā Dhamma for promoting well-being and learning of the elderly at Wai Kaew consisted of 4 items: 1) Kāya-bhāvanā: it is to arrange walking meditation and exercise activities; 2) Sīla-bhāvanā: it is to create activities of observing precepts and creative activities; 3) Citta-bhāvanā: it is to organize the chanting and meditation activities; and 4) Paññā-bhāvanā: to organize the training and learning activities to know and understand the truth of life.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Udomprachanukul, Thitapanyo, P. M. ., & (Sukanya Aruno), P. S. (2021). The Guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles in Promoting Well-Being and Learning Among the Elderly at Wai Kaew School, Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 368–383. retrieved from
Research Articles


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