Aim and Scope
Journal seeking an engagement between scholars working across a range of disciplinary fields, including Development Administration,Public Administration, Management, Tourism, Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Types of Articles Published in the Journal
1) Research Article
2) Academic Article
The Objective
1. To publication quality academic papers are for students and researchers both inside and outside the institution.
2. To present develop potential and quality academic papers, research and academic articles of the internal faculty members and also external.
3. To provide social services in the exchange of academic opinions.
Frequency of Issue: Twice per year (June and December) (1st issue January-June, 2nd issue July-December).
Peer Review Policy:
All submitted manuscripts must be Reviewed by at least three experts via the double-blinded review system
The articles submitted for publication must not be research / academic. Which has been published in any journal before or not in the process of publication of other journals every article published in this journal must be considered by double blind peer-reviewed per article. The editorial department reserves the right to amend the original and the publication in the first order of the works submitted to every article that the person wishes to publish can register and download the document via the website at.
Procedure for paying publication fees
Once the editorial team has approved the article. The author must transfer the article fee of 6,000 baht (six thousand baht) per article, collected when accepting the publication (Accept), send it to
Kasikorn Bank (KBank, Thailand), Account Number: 250-2-75039-1
Account name: ณัฐณภรณ์ เอกนราจินดาวัฒน์ (Natnaporn Aeknarajindawat)
I also attached the slip or picture of evidence of the money transfer to the dialog box or discussion box.
Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): July - December 2024