The Correlation Between Financial Ratio and Stock Prices of The Automotive Companies Listed on The Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Sukanya Sombunmak
Kasem Swasdee


In this research investigation, the researcher examines 1) the mean of the financial ratio classified by company; studies 2) the average stock prices classified by company; and investigates 3) the correlation between the financial ratio and the stock prices of the automotive companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

            The quantitative research technique was employed. Financial data were collected from annual registration statements (Form 56-1) from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the stock market closing prices from 2012 to 2021 from the website from the total number of thirteen companies. Data were analyzed using the statistics of the mean and standard deviation. The technique of partial correlation coefficient was also employed.

            Findings are as follows. (1) SPG exhibited the highest NPM with the mean being 13.95 percent (S.D. = 2.29). TKT exhibited the lowest NPM with the mean being -0.72 percent (S.D. = 3.41). IHL exhibited the highest ROE with the mean being 15.44 percent (S.D. = 8.50). TKT exhibited the lowest ROE with the mean being -0.63 percent (S.D. = 10.58). GYT exhibited the highest EPS with the mean being 27.37 baht per share (S.D. = 41.08). TKT exhibited the lowest EPS with the mean being -0.01 baht per share (S.D. = 0.21). IHL exhibited the highest level of DIY with the mean being 13.04 percent (S.D. = 25.24). CWT exhibited the lowest DIY with the mean being 0.59 percent (S.D. = 0.60). SPG exhibited the highest CR with the mean being 11.06 times (S.D. = 1.45). TKT exhibited the lowest CR with the mean being 0.72 times (S.D. = 0.13). SPG exhibited the highest DER with the mean being 9.20 times (S.D. = 1.67). TRU exhibited the lowest DER with the mean being 0.15 times (S.D. = 0.04). (2) GYT exhibited the highest stock price with the mean being 3.57.65 baht (S.D. = 89.29). TKT exhibited the lowest stock price with the mean being 2.22 baht (S.D. = 1.08). (3) The correlation between the EPS and stock prices was at a high level (r = 0.705) at the statistically significant level of .05. NPM, ROE, DIY, CR and DER did not correlate with stock prices.

            Recommendations from this research are as follows. Prior to the decision to invest, investors should analyze the EPS and the future trends including the average stock price in the past of companies before investing. Recommendations for future research are the following: increase financial ratios; collect data on a quarterly basis; use the multiple regression analysis; and select other industry groups listed on the SET.

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