Potential Development Of Community-Based Health Tourism For Sustainability: A Case Study Of Rai Sotsai Herbal Community, Khaen Subdistrict, Wapi Pathum District, Maha Sarakham Province

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Nisachol Thokaew
Nuttharin Pariwongkhuntorn
Chompunuch Jittithavorn
Suwaree Namwong


In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the situation and the management constraints for health tourism in Rai Sotsai Herbal Community, Khaen subdistrict, Wapi Pathum district, Maha Sarakham province; and propose and 2) guidelines for the potential development of the community-based health tourism in the community studied. The technique of qualitative research was conducted with participatory observation and semi-structured interview in order to discover the opinions regarding the potential of sustainable community-based health tourism: a case study of Rai Sotsai Herbal Community, Khaen Subdistrict, Wapi Pathum district, Maha Sarakham province. The sample population consisted of four groups: five from the public sector; five from the private sector; three from the people sector; and fifteen tourists who were volunteer tourists as the representatives of those traveling in the area.

            Findings showed that overall, the health tourism in Maha Sarakham province should be supported substantially. Maha Sarakham is the Thai province prominent in herbs with herb cultivators. All sectors should help in the development and the support to ensure that Maha Sarakham stands out for its health tourism activities. Activities should respond to the tourists’ needs through herbs. With collaboration, constraints will decrease and this will benefit the area in the future. The researchers presented a model of tourism activities integrating the Five-Dimensional Good Health Perspective and the Destination Fascination Scale Model (DFS Model) in coordinating the five senses to use as community-based tourism activities in order to develop the potential of sustainable community-based health tourism.

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