Ethics in Human Resource Work and Creative Organizations: Perspectives from Executives and Employees in Modern Organizations

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Jaruwan Choppradit
Pirach Rattanant



            Ethics is used in conjunction with organizational operations because it is an important characteristic of workers in hierarchy of control. This article aims to explain ethics in human resource and organizational is a combination of ethics, morality, code of conduct and social responsibility from the perspective of employees and executives in modern organizations which provide an appropriate guideline for managing human resource and organizational behavior for creative operations. Ethics in human resources work that for employees and executives towards society including being a corporate entrepreneurship. Organizational ethics focuses on human resource work system and organization which can be developed through the human resource system strengthen work for team members. From the study, it was found that various organizations have ethical workers that will be made the organization accepted by people in society.

Keyword: Creative Ethics, Human Resource, Organization

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Academic Article


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