The Environmental Factors in the Workplace Affecting Employee Motivation: A Case Study of Nestle (Thai) Co., Ltd., Nava Nakorn Plant
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In this research investigation, the researchers examine the environmental factors in the workplace affecting employee motivation: a case study of Nestle (Thai) Co., Ltd., Nava Nakorn plant. The objective is to determine the environmental factors affecting employee motivation in order to propose environmental development projects to increase employee motivation in the production line and to find solutions for an increase in organizational productivity.
The study applied Maslow’s theory and Herzberg’ Two–Factor theory as the conceptual framework. The research instruments to collect data were a checklist close-ended questionnaire and a five-rating Likert scale questionnaire. Data were collected from 276 employees at Nestle (Thai), Co., Ltd., Nava Nakorn plant during May to July 2023. Data were analyzed using the technique of multiple regression analysis (MRA). Findings showed that the working environment and workplace amenities affected employee motivation. In addition, the consideration of the relationship between variables found that workplace amenities and working environment exhibited a positive influence on employee motivation at the statistically significant level of 0.05.
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