Antecedents Influencing Competitiveness of Startup Entrepreneurs in Thailand

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Rommanee Yingyong
Wongtheera Suvannin
Wisit Rittiboonchai


In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the factors influencing the competitiveness of startup entrepreneurs in Thailand; and investigate 2) the consistency of the antecedents influencing the competitiveness of the startup entrepreneurs under study with the empirical data concerning antecedents influencing competitiveness of the startup entrepreneurs under investigation.

Data were collected from 274 startup entrepreneurs using the technique of purposive sampling. The statistics for data processing consisted of percentage and frequency. The techniques of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were also employed. Findings showed that five factors influencing competitiveness were the characteristics of the entrepreneurs; adaptability; knowledge sharing; innovativeness; and competitiveness. All these factors were inspected for causal influence and competitiveness. After being adjusted, the hypothesis model developed by the researchers exhibited consistency with the empirical data. In the qualitative research, the technique of in-depth interview was used on five startup entrepreneurs. Findings showed consistency with findings from the quantitative research in the following manner. 1) The characteristics of the entrepreneurs exhibited direct influence on adaptability. 2) The characteristics of the entrepreneurs exhibited direct influence on knowledge sharing. 3) Adaptability exhibited direct influence on knowledge sharing. 4) Adaptability exhibited direct influence on innovativeness. 5) Knowledge sharing exhibited direct influence on competitiveness. 6) Innovativeness exhibited direct influence on competitiveness. 7) The characteristics of the entrepreneurs did not exhibit direct influence on innovativeness. This may be due to the differences in the characteristics of each entrepreneur.

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