Factors Affecting Work from Home Performance Efficiency of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Civil Servants

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Didsarin Thaiprakob
Kasem Swasdee
Poonsak Sangsunt


In this study, the researchers examine 1) the level of work from home performance efficiency of civil servants at Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA); investigate 2) the level of importance of work from home supporting factors; and study 3) supporting factors affecting the level of work from home efficiency.

The sample population consisted of 400 BMA civil servants using the technique of non-probability snowball sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, frequency, and standard deviation. The techniques of independent sample test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s coefficient correlation were also employed.

Findings are as follows: 1) The work from home performance efficiency of the subjects under study exhibited the mean at a high level (Mean = 80.40, S.D. = 17.321). Differences in gender and educational level exhibited no differences in work from home performance efficiency. Differences in age and position exhibited differences in work from home performance efficiency at the statistically significant level of .05. 2) The overall importance of work from home supporting factors was at a high level (Mean = 7.45, S.D. = 1.394). 3) Supporting factors positively affected work from home performance efficiency at a rather high level (r = .628) at the statistically significant level of .05. Recommendations are that the BMA should increasingly develop knowledge, understanding, and skills in performance to civil servants aged 36-50 years at a professional level and a bachelor’s degree level in order to ensure a higher level of work from home performance efficiency.

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