The Effects of Reference Groups, Mood, and Impulsive Buying Behavior on Purchase Decision Behavior of Residents in Bangkok Metropolis Purchasing Products in Shopee Application
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In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the influence of impulsive buying behavior as a mediating factor of the effects of reference groups toward purchase decision behavior; and investigate 2) the effects of impulsive buying behavior as a mediating factor of mood towards the purchase decision behavior of residents in Bangkok Metropolis purchasing products in the Shopee application.
The sample population consisted of 400 residents in Bangkok Metropolis purchasing products in the Shopee application using the technique of purposive sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed.
Findings are as follows. 1) The mediating effect of impulsive buying behavior was the mediating factor of the influence of reference groups towards purchase decision behavior with the coefficient scale of Boot LLCI (bootstrap limit confidence intervals) at 0.230 and the coefficient scale of Boot ULCI (bootstrap upper limit confidence intervals) at 0.409. 2) The analysis of the mediating effect of impulsive buying behavior was the mediating factor of mood towards purchase decision behavior with the LLCI at 0.142 and ULCI at 0.347. Therefore, the research findings showed the following. When residents in Bangkok Metropolis purchasing products in the Shopee application exhibited behavior of the reference groups and mood in a positive direction, residents purchasing products in the Shopee application exhibited purchase decision behavior. When residents who were consumers were pushed to have impulsive buying behavior, they would exhibit purchase decision behavior at a higher level, respectively as well
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