Effects of Product Innovation and Product Quality on Purchase Decision Behavior of Consumers of Dietary Supplementary Products in Bangkok Metropolis Using Motivation as a Moderator Factor

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Mayura Thamwattanakul
Thanyanan Boonyoo


In this study, the researchers examine 1) the level of product innovation, product quality, motivation, and the purchase decision behavior of the consumers of dietary supplementary products; and investigate 2) the direct effects moderating the path of product innovation towards the purchase decision behavior of the consumers under study in Bangkok Metropolis with motivation as a moderator factor.

The sample population consisted of 200 residents in Bangkok Metropolis purchasing dietary supplementary products. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation. The technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) was also employed with a statistical software program.

Findings showed that residents in Bangkok Metropolis purchasing dietary supplementary products exhibited the product innovation, product quality, motivation, and purchase intention behavior with the overall mean at a high level. The means were 4.25, 4.41, 4.34, and 4.27, respectively. The standard deviations were 0.481, 0.469, 0.482, and 0.442, respectively. The direct effects moderating the path of product innovation towards the purchase decision behavior of the consumers under study with motivation would increase when motivation was higher. The coefficient scale of Boot LLCI was 0.045-0.085 and the coefficient scale of Boot ULCI was 0.350-0.463. Findings showed that dietary supplementary products with product innovation continuously developed for a variety and various channels for product ordering can foster the purchase decision behavior at a higher level. Motivation with special privileges to consumers purchasing a large number of products will encourage the consumers under investigation to have purchase decision behavior at a higher level as well.


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