Guidelines for the Development of Responsible Tourism at Ban Si Than Community, Khon Kaen Province

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Wanida Onlamai


In this research investigation, the researcher examines the components of tourism at Ban Si Than Community, Khon Kaen province and proposes guidelines for the development of responsible tourism at the community under study. The qualitative research was conducted using the technique of in-depth interview with seventeen key informants from public agencies, private agencies, and residents in the area. The technique of focus group discussion with twelve subjects from all related agencies was also conducted. Findings showed that the guidelines for development consisted of four dimensions. 1. The environment dimension: The level of responsible tourism activities should be raised with a focus on activities in the aspect of the environment connecting the cultural learning process. 2. The political dimension: A community-based tourism committee should be established in a concrete manner to be a good host and to create tourism activities. All related agencies should support knowledge, process, and budget for continuous community development. This will enable the community to be strong and able to operate tourism activities by themselves. 3. The social and cultural dimension: Tourism programs that foster experience to tourists should be created by connecting such activities as offering food to the monks on the merit-making route; the nature trail at Chom Si Temple; cycling to study community lifeways; and waste sorting at Ban Si Than School in accordance with the 3R principle. 4. The economic dimension: The level of existing community souvenirs should be raised to be outstanding through the process of community product development in order to foster the local community economy. The community should be established as a community enterprise to conduct community-based tourism in a complete manner.

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