The Influence of Factors on Purchasing Decision Process for Battery Electric Vehicles of Consumers in Bangkok Metropolis

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Phittayut Tokham
Wilaipun Tarichkul
Maedhawi Anywatnapong


In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the purchasing decision process for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) classified by personal factors; and investigate 2) the influence of factors on the purchasing decision process for BEVs. The sample population consisted of 384 consumers in Bangkok Metropolis who decided to purchase BEVs. The method of quota sampling was employed. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The techniques of t test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multiple regression analysis were also used.

Findings showed that the consumers under study exhibited levels of opinions regarding marketing mix factors in the aspect of place; content marketing factors in the aspect of content presentation; technology acceptance factors in the aspect of utilization perception; and purchasing decision process for BEVs in the aspect of seeking information at the highest level. Differences in gender, age, and average monthly income exhibited differences in the purchasing decision process for BEVs. The factor of marketing promotion positively influenced the purchasing decision process of consumers for BEVs at the highest level. Next in descending order were place, product, price, attitudes towards product usage, and the perceived ease of use. However, the factor of price exhibited a negative influence on the purchasing decision process of consumers for BEVs.  

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