Local Economy Driving Under Civil State Mechanisms Towards the Agricultural Produce Innovation Center in Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province

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Chula Charoenwong
Wongtheera Suvannin
Kittinart Nunthong


In this research investigation, the researchers survey 1) the potential of the local economy in Khao Kho district, Phetchabun province; study 2) the local economy driving process through the survey and analysis under civil state mechanisms; experiment 3) with the results of the local economy driving guidelines using civil state mechanisms; and draft 4) a local economy development plan under civil state mechanisms. Ninety members of the target population who were selected using the technique of purposive sampling consisted of fifty from the civil sector, ten from the government sector, ten from the private sector, ten from the education sector, and ten from the local sector. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview form. Data were inductively analyzed and presented in a descriptive form. Findings are as follows:

1. The local economy potential of the area consisted of the following. 1) Geography and climate facilitate agricultural produce cultivation. 2) Human resources are found to indicate that local people had experience and expertise in specialized agriculture.

2. Local people were aware of the importance of civil state mechanisms in economy driving. They integrated their work from all sectors in the area. Each sector played their respective roles fully leading to the driving in a more concrete manner.

3. Each sector had an opportunity to have conversations and to exchange ideas in ways never used before. This resulted in the operations of Pracharat Market Project being rather highly successful. It could expand the success in the aspect of continuity and foster motivation for other areas to follow suit.

4. The draft of the local economy development plan is divided into four categories. 1) The general category is on the authority and duties one should perform with one another. 2) The plan intent is to ensure that the quality of life of all the people must be better. 3) The plan management committee consists of 25 members, five from each sector as selected by each sector. 4) All projects in the area must be driven under civil state mechanisms.

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