The Influences of Transformational Leadership and Work Environment on the Innovative Behavior of Employees at Leasing Companies in Bangkok Metropolis

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Satit Suwannasopa
Wongtheera Suvannin


In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the influence of transformational leadership on the innovative behavior of employees at leasing companies in Bangkok Metropolis; and investigate 2) the work environment affecting the innovative behavior of the employees under study. The sample population consisted of 323 employees at leasing companies in Bangkok Metropolis who were members of Thailand Leasing Association. The technique of multi-stage sampling was employed by dividing the leasing companies in groups based on the number of employees using the technique of stratified sampling. The technique of purposive sampling was used to select members of the sample population. The research instrument was a questionnaire to collect data. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The statistically significant level was determined at the level of .05.

Findings showed that transformational leadership in three aspects: intellectual stimulation; individualized consideration; and inspirational motivation affected the innovative behavior of the employees under study at the statistically significant level of .05. It was also found that the work environment in the following three aspects: support from team; having adequate resources; and creative and challenging work affected the innovative behavior of the employees under investigation at the statistically significant level of .05.

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