Data Analytics Tools Used in Business Organization

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Monticha Ketna


       Data analytics is an important process for every organization since it is the process that could support decision making leading to an improvement of the organization. The tools or systems for the data analytics process the organization chooses to use should be studied and developed in a continuous manner for employees at all levels in the organization or for members of the general public. Data analysis, data correlation, and data visualization all contribute to important decision making in every organization.

       In this article, the focus is on the study of the function of the tools in data analysis, data correlation, and data visualization i.e. data mining, machine learning, and business intelligence systems. These tools have played a great role in the era in which technology has been developed and used widely. The technology work process has helped human beings manage and analyze a vast amount of data speedily and has improved the work of employees in the organization to be more efficient. This article proposes future trends in data mining, machine learning, and business intelligence systems in conjunction with robotic process automation workflows to reduce repetitive work processes by shifting to use the data analytics tools instead of humans to reduce errors and save time in the work process.

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