A Blue Economy Concept from the Perspectives of Boat Tourism Entrepreneurs in Phuket

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Tanachai Chareonsilawart
Charoenchai Agmapaisarn


In this study, the researchers examine the management of boat tourism entrepreneurs under the blue economy concept in Phuket. Key informants were entrepreneurs or experts in the area of boat tourism.

Findings showed that the entrepreneurs exhibited knowledge and abilities in the operation of boat tourism activities. They had knowledge of conservation awareness, the protection of natural resources, and the marine environment. The study was classified into three aspects as follows. 1) The economic aspect affecting the operations: Boat tourism entrepreneurs operated their business using the knowledge of business operations. They performed in accordance with the rules and regulations which may have an impact on the marine ecosystem through services, important tools for the development of boat tourism activities. 2) The social aspect and overall impact: All boat tourism entrepreneurs must cooperate to maintain the marine ecosystem. They created work and fostered understanding with the local community, the owner of area, without any conflicts and with mutual benefits. 3) The environmental protection and maintenance: Boat tourism entrepreneurs operated tourism activities by providing knowledge to tourists and fostering an awareness of natural conservation in order to increase the value of nature conservation. The blue economy concept was applied in tourism towards the marine ecosystem which led to a new way of more systematic thinking with the understanding and cooperation of all sectors. It may be said that with the organization of boat tourism activities and the perspectives of entrepreneurs or experts in boat tourism, it is possible to develop the blue economy in Thailand. The body of knowledge, as well as the consideration of the use of marine resources in an efficient manner can be a good model in tourism.

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