Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in the Entrepreneurship Focused Programs at the University of Phayao

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Chanchai Pommi
Sirima Naksai


       In this research investigation, the researchers examine the influence of the theory of planned behavior and entrepreneurial characteristics on the entrepreneurial intentions of the students in the entrepreneurship program at the University of Phayao. An online questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data from 202 students studying in the entrepreneurship program. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inferential statistics consisted of correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.

       Findings showed that the theory of planned behavior and the entrepreneurial characteristics exhibited correlation and positive influence on the entrepreneurial intentions of the students under study at the statistically significant level of .05. The regression coefficients (β) were 0.612 and 0.541, respectively. The model could predict entrepreneurial intentions at 73.40 percent (R2 = 0.734). The theory of planned behavior was the factor with the highest influence.

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