The Management of Student Parties in Ramkhamhaeng University

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Kitchaiyakul Inkaew
Wittaya Jitnupong
Nipon Sohheng


       In this research investigation, the researchers examine 1) the formation of student parties and their election systems at Ramkhamhaeng University (RU); and analyze 2) the management of these parties during the period from 1992 to 2019. The qualitative research was employed using participatory observation and in-depth interviews with those concerned with student parties.

       Findings are as follows:

       1. The formation of student parties at RU during the period from 1992 to 2019 could be divided into two characteristics. 1) In practice, it was the aggregation of students with common ideologies and opinions or having conflicts within old parties or between parties. 2) In principle, it was in accordance with the intent and regulations of RU to encourage students to participate in activities to learn democracy. The rules or regulations were then enacted to form student parties. The election systems of student parties could be divided into two characteristics: the majority system and the proportional system.

       2. The management of student parties focused on the participation of both ordinary and extraordinary members of all parties. A meeting was called an “assembly” which was “intense”, leading to the crystallization of thought to be a party’s resolution. This was used in the determination of policies and the mobilization of the party’s activities. Their seniors were their mentors and coordinated with agencies inside and outside the university.

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