The Management of Chinese Tourists' Tourism to Pay Respect to Buddha in the Style of Free Individual Tourism on Mangkon Road

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Thanipa Panusuwan
Thitinan Chankoson


       In this research investigation, the researchers analyze (1) the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the tourism management model for Chinese tourists on Mangkon Road to pay respect to Buddha in the style of free individual tourism. The researchers present and confirm (2) the tourism management model for Chinese tourists on Mangkon Road to pay respect to Buddha in the style of free individual tourism.

       In this mixed-methods research, a questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect data from 400 Chinese tourists. In the qualitative research, interviews were conducted to evaluate and confirm the results of the EFA and the categorization model.

            Findings showed the following. The factors of the tourism model for the management of Chinese tourists on Mangkon Road to pay respect to Buddha in the style of free individual tourism consisted of three components: 1) reliability; 2) readiness; and 3) efficiency. The analysis of the appropriateness and feasibility of the management model under study was evaluated and confirmed for appropriateness and actual implementation.

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