The Decisions by Government Personnel in Mueang Chiang Mai District to Use the Foodpanda Application

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Patcharawalai Chaiwansatien


            In this research investigation, the researcher examines the decisions by government personnel in Mueang Chiang Mai district to use the Foodpanda application. The researcher also compares the decisions to use this application as classified by the differences in the demographic factors of these personnel. The sample population consisted of 400 personnel in public agencies in Mueang Chiang Mai district who have used the food delivery service of the Foodpanda application more than once. 

        Findings showed that the highest proportion of the personnel were females, aged 30-40 years, single, with a bachelor’s degree, being government officials with an average monthly income from 10,000 to 25,000 baht. The members of the sample population paid attention to marketing mix factors at a high level overall and in each aspect. At the highest level was the aspect of physical environment. Next in descending order were the aspects of employees; processes; products and services; prices; distribution channels; and promotional activities. The hypothesis test showed that the members of the sample population who differed in educational level exhibited differences in the attention paid to the marketing mix in the decisions to use the Foodpanda application at the statistically significant level of .05. This research would benefit food delivery business operators and enable them to improve the efficiency of their services and respond to the needs of the personnel under study to enable them to use the food delivery application more effectively.


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