Stock Price Reactions of Target Companies to Mergers and Acquisitions Announcements

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Punnatta Tassaneyapong
Pariyada Sukcharoensin


        In this research investigation, the researchers examine the effects of mergers and acquisitions announcements. The target companies covered in this study are companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The test on market efficiency and overreaction and underreaction was conducted through the event study. 

        Findings showed that mergers and acquisitions announcements affected the stock price of the target companies at a statistically significant level. It was found that average cumulative abnormal returns increased on the announcement date and after the announcement. During the period prior to an announcement, negative average cumulative abnormal returns were found to be at a statistically significant level. The study of each industry was found to confirm underreaction from the fact that the stock returns of the target companies exhibited movements in the same direction prior to, during, and after mergers and acquisitions announcements.

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