The Funeral Tradition of Mon People and the firm succession in Thai Society

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Imthira Onkam


         In this research investigation, the researchers examine the funeral tradition of Mon people and its firm succession in Thailand. The funeral ceremony of Mon has been inherited from old beliefs. The arrangement of funeral rituals depends on the causes of death. The funeral of those with natural death will be arranged to pay respect to the deceased. Merit making is conducted based on the beliefs similar to Thai tradition with certain different steps such as the making of ghost ladder – ghost door (Bandai Phi – Pratu Phi) and the breaking of the rice pot of the deceased. Unnatural death such as death from accidents or suicide, the body will be kept at the temple for one or two years. Then merit will be made together with the cremation ceremony. Beliefs regarding the funeral tradition which is the identity of Mon consist of the following. 1) Mon Rong Hai (Crying Mon) is a tradition to remember the goodness and to express condolence to the deceased. 2) Yon Pha Ra Fai (a tradition of throwing cloth during the funeral (ceremony) is a tradition to recall the preachings of Lord Buddha which are the spiritual anchors for the dead and the living. 3) Ram Sam That (Dancing to pay respect) is the merit making and remembering the deceased from unnatural death. The funeral tradition succession of Mon is inherited from generation to generation through families, educational institutions, and social institutions. This results in Mon at present adhering to and inheriting this tradition to ensure that it will remain in the future. This is in accordance with the saying that “Mon people lose land but not race”. 

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Academic Article


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