Stress of Curriculum Lecturers at Ramkhamhaeng University

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Jindaporn Moonkunta
Chanita Thongthai
Asadang Palivanich
Chanya Siritipsakul


This research aimed to study the stress of curriculum lecturers, Ramkhamhaeng University. The population were 134 curriculum undertaking curriculum lecturers, then, using the Krejcie – Morgan’s table and received the sample of 98 curriculum lecturers recruited by the accidental sampling. Research tool was the five-dimensions with twenty – five items. The content validity of the questionnaire was approved by five specialist, IOC ranging between 0.95 and 1.00. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t– test Independent.

            Results are that the factors affecting stress of the Ramkhamhaeng University curriculum lecturers, the overall mean was at a moderate level. There are five factors; job was more level, but management, working environment, career advancement, as well as life and family were moderate level. When comparing the differences between various factors and the specified features, it was found that the monthly income characteristics Affecting factors that cause stress With statistical significance at the level of .05, namely, job performance factors and lifestyle and family factors, relationship values classified by each factor, found that the management and management factors And the working atmosphere factors are most related to stress and when combining the relationship of all factors, it was found that the atmospheric factors had the most effect on stress.

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