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Buncha Somboonsuke
Chaiya Kongmanee


This article aims to analyze the cause of the problems in driving diversify production systems in rubber plantations and also suggest policy options for driving diversify production systems in rubber plantations for sustainable development. Rubber mono - specific cropping plantations were dominated in Thailand. There is a delay policy implement in driving diversify production systems in rubber plantations. A small number of farmers do intercropping rubber based production system or have diversification of production systems. There are 6 major causes: (1) Lacking proactive policies for the whole rubber development, (2) Relevant government units lack of role leading in promoting policies of diversify production systems in rubber plantations, (3) During the rubber prices boom period, the government carried on projects only for expanding rubber growing areas, (4) During the rubber prices declining, the government had quite many policies or particular measures to solve rubber development problems but focusing mainly on price policies, (5) Rubber institutions lack continuous researches in different dimensions for intercropping rubber based production systems, and (6) Problems originated by farmers themselves who select to do rubber mono specific cropping plantations and prefer waiting to receive aids from the government measurement during the period of rubber prices declining than self-sufficient themselves by doing intercropping rubber based production system. There are 4 guidelines on driving diversity production systems in rubber plantations: (1) Use policies of intercropping with rubber trees along with comprehensive rubber development, (2) Create being aware of intercropping with rubber trees, (3) Provide knowledge for farmers and drive doing intercropping with rubber trees, and (4) Support the study and knowledge management of intercropping with rubber trees.

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Review Article


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