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Jamnean Joungtrakul


Determining the sample size and the sampling method in qualitative research is one of the most challenging and confusing issues for novice researchers and those who are newly begin conducting qualitative research, especially in Thailand. The two most problematic questions are: (1) How is an acceptable sample size determined in qualitative research? and (2) What are appropriate sampling methods to be chosen for each qualitative research project applying different qualitative research strategies? These problems are due to the fact that there are several different approaches or strategies available to qualitative researchers and such different strategies require different sample sizes and sampling techniques. In some cases, a specific sampling technique is used for a specific qualitative research strategy. For example, theoretical sampling is specifically used for Grounded Theory. Currently, qualitative researchers in Thailand normally specify a fixed sample size and do not provide a justification or rationale in applying the sample size and sampling procedures. At the same time, the research literature related to how to determine sample size and sampling procedures in Thailand is very limited and is generally insufficient to give a better understanding about these issues. This paper aims to answer the two major questions posed above and is divided into four parts: (1) Introduction to and significance of the problem, as well as an outline of the content of the paper; (2) The concept of sample size in qualitative research; (3) The concept of sampling techniques in qualitative research; (4) Conclusion, discussion of the findings from the study; and recommendations.

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