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Sakdipat Chaovaluksakul
Yupa Prachayakul


The two purposes of this article are: (1) To describe the context of Thai politics about coups in Thailand from past to present; and (2) To propose a model of Thai political coups from past to present. The study indicated that: (1) In the context of Thai politics from the traditional State, to the absolute monarchy State, and to the present modern State, coups and Thai politics continue as a vicious circle to the present, and it is concluded that Thai coups result from the conflict between Thai elites who grab the power of occupation from each other. (2) The model of Thai political coups depends on the balancing of power between the tripartite power of the new force, the old force, and the external force (i.e., world capitalism group). If there is a power imbalance, the old force and new force will grab the power (i.e., hegemony) by using discourse as a tool to legitimate the political action to grab the social ideology area. But the force which wins the occupation must be supported by the external force of the world capitalism group. So, the external force entirely judges the power of occupation.

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