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Wipaporn Singbut


The objective of this research was to study level of Work Environment Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behaviors of Central Personnel at Customs Department. Include to study and compare level of Citizenship Behaviors of Central Personnel at Customs Department distinguish by Personnel factor and to use this research study to develop work environment and Organizational Commitment in order to improve Citizenship Behaviors of Central Personnel at Customs Department. In this survey is Quantitative research. Participants were 296 populations of Central Personnel at Custom Department. The instrument of research were questionnaires: personal data, work environment, organization commitment and organization citizenship behavior. The statistical methods used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Scheffe, Pearson’ Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and simple regression. The result showed that level of Work Environment, Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behavior of Central Personnel at Customs Department were high level. There was difference in the level of Citizenship Behaviors of Central Personnel at Customs Department among personnel who differ in age, educational, work position, monthly income and year of work experience at the statistically significant level of .05. While there was no difference in the level of Citizenship Behaviors of Central Personnel at Customs Department among personnel who classified by sex and status. Hypothesis testing showed that Work Environment can predict influence on the Citizenship Behaviors about 38% at the statistically significant level of .05. Organizational Commitment can predict influence on the Citizenship Behaviors about 38% at the statistically significant level of .05.

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Research Article


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