The Scenario of Future Environmental History Instruction to Develop Sustainable Global Citizenship in Thailand

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Apaichon Sajjaphatanakul
Charin Mangkhang


A learning management of environmental history for sustainable in senior high school civic competences is extremely important due to the effect of currency issues in Thailand. Under the globalization processes, the issue of environmental collapse is one of many important issues that humankind must face together, and all the issues affecting relative. Learning history is fundamental to making students think rationally and connect situation between internal and external factors that affect the change.  In particular, environmental history will help students view history as a whole; moreover, in addition, it support interactions of life and awareness what we are really fighting for.  Education for the civic in Thailand now and in the future must give priority to the history learning on the basis of a social value series international development to provide students with wide open views and attitudes towards diversity. In addition, they will realize the human and citizenship in democracy of their own, as well as consideration of the ecosystem and the environment that raise our lives.


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How to Cite
Sajjaphatanakul, A., & Mangkhang, C. (2019). The Scenario of Future Environmental History Instruction to Develop Sustainable Global Citizenship in Thailand. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 19(2), 242–255.
Review Article


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