Software Piracy among Information Technology Professionals in Thailand

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Pranisa Israsena


The study investigated factors influencing ethical intentions in relation to the personal use of software among Information Technology (IT) professionals in Thailand. Factors expected to affect ethical intentions were derived from previous studies and used to formulate a theoretical model based on the theory of planned behavior, the Big Five personality traits, deterrent theory, and moral intensity. The model was tested and developed using data collected by questionnaire from 452 professionals working in various IT positions. The findings confirmed the importance of the effects of social norms and moral intensity on attitudes and the effects of agreeableness, openness, perceived behavioral control, moral intensity, punishment severity, and attitude on ethical intentions. New findings are presented concerned with the influence of gender on attitude as well as the influence of social norms, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and gender on ethical intentions. Practical actions are recommended for improving ethical intentions.


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