A competency-based learning model for distance education in the post-COVID-19 era: Sustainable manufacturing systems and the circular economy
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This research aims to: (1) establish a competency-based learning model for teaching and learning about sustainable manufacturing systems and the circular economy, (2) evaluate the model's effectiveness in learning outcomes and (3) investigate student satisfaction with the model for distance education in the post-COVID-19 era. The research tool was based on the ADDIE model regarding concerns about competency-based learning based on 'the four Cs' of critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. The tools were evaluated by experts and then trialled by the participants for six weeks; then, data were collected and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test, and multivariate analysis of variance. The study's developed learning model, referred to as PADICA, comprises eight elements and six steps of planning, analysis, designing, improvement, confirmation and application that assist the students to succeed academically. The results showed that the students developed competencies in critical thinking and creative skills beyond collaboration and communication, which correlate significantly with years of student experience. Additionally, lecturers and experts have a tremendous impact on students' learning. The PADICA model assists in achieving the results of distance learning by focusing on learning-based competencies, with weekly e-learning by industry needs, that helps gradually build students' learning base and competencies.
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