Differentiation in how Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) women responded to the jihad fatwa in the 1945 Battle of Surabaya

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Reiza D. Dienaputra
Awaludin Nugraha
N. Kartika


The discourse on Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) women's response to the call for jihad in the Battle of Surabaya in 1945 remains a matter of debate among both conservative and modern Muslims. This article utilizes the Islamic spirit approach proposed by Kevin W. Fogg by examining the correlation between NU women's nationalism and their responses to the jihad fatwa during the Battle of Surabaya. The results of this study conclude that NU women's responses were influenced by three factors: religious understanding, political awareness, and socio-cultural background. Indeed, there were differences in the responses of NU women who belonged to families of kyai, or experts in Islam, and were affiliated with pesantren, or Islamic boarding schools, and those who belonged to ordinary families or farmers to the jihad fatwa in the jihad resolution proposed by NU. Women who belonged to kyai families and were affiliated with pesantren had a deeper understanding of religion and contributed more than women from commoner backgrounds. They were aware that defending their homeland is considered an obligation. For them, independence was for Islamic purposes as well as a means to greater religious purposes. The jihad fatwa during the Indonesian National Revolution was considered a form of Islamic struggle. The fact that NU women participated in the call for jihad undermines the view of NU as an inclusive organization.


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