Good models and policies of elderly care in urban areas: A case study of Nong Hoi Sub-district municipality, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Polwasit Lhakard


This research aimed to study the good model of elderly care in Nong Hoi Sub-district Municipality and the mechanism of community management and also to emphasize good indicators of elderly care. The research was conducted by qualitative methodology in Nong Hoi Sub-district Municipality Community, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. The data was collected through an in-depth interview, a group discussion and participant observation by applying the analysis results to data analysis together with content analysis and thematic analysis. The community samples include 4 elderly patients, 4 main caregivers, 4 village health volunteers (VHV), 1 community leader, 1 leader of an elderly club, 2 Sub-district health workers, and 4 villagers in the community. The content of the collected data was analyzed, and the key issues were summarized. The research results showed a good model of the community in Nong Hoi Sub-district Municipality that had an effective working integration system and coordinating system of care networks. The community's management strategy was to provide integrated healthcare services and social services proactively, broadly, in-depth, comprehensively and thoroughly. The important factor in promoting good elderly care services was the potential community systems which consisted of a good support system and the elderly as role models. The indicators of good elderly care in the community included having a strong leader and the committees working as a team, receiving support from many sectors, the elderly being able to access services and receive both health and social services and having a comprehensive database. According to the data studied, it can be concluded that the community potential development on leadership and teamwork is recommended for achieving a good elderly care model.


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How to Cite
Lhakard, P. (2023). Good models and policies of elderly care in urban areas: A case study of Nong Hoi Sub-district municipality, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 148–158.
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