Green space management in world heritage sites under the 11th sustainable development goal: A case study of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya municipality, Thailand

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Waralak Khongouan
Putpunnin Khamwachirapithak


The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are an important development framework for planning in all aspects of countries around the world. Therefore, the objectives of this research study were (1) to identify the types of green space, sizes, accessibility, safety, management, (2) to identify the people’s needs for green space management, and (3) to analyse the consistency of SDG 11.7 that supports safe, complete, and fair access to green spaces and green space management in world heritage sites, such as Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Municipality in Thailand. The data were collected by administering a questionnaire, conducting interviews, and performing field surveys. It was found that being a world heritage site caused the green space management to come under many organisations’ responsibilities and laws, but the studied area had many types of green spaces in the historical sites and religious places. Consequently, the average ratio of the green spaces and the population was higher than that set in the national and international standards. However, most of the green spaces had access distances longer than 500 metres. Moreover, there were unsafe footpaths or bicycle lanes. Hence, the guidelines of the green space management leading to achieving the SDGs should not only increase the quantity of the green spaces, as well as maintain and develop the green spaces to be ready for use, but also provide knowledge and enhance people’s awareness about the value of the green spaces and world heritage sites.


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How to Cite
Khongouan, W., & Khamwachirapithak, P. (2023). Green space management in world heritage sites under the 11th sustainable development goal: A case study of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya municipality, Thailand. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 23(3), 667–677.
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